
As we remember this, we come to our place of prayer with a sense of wonder and we are humbled. This helps us to hand over our lives to him. It also helps us to pray the prayer Jesus prayed in Gethsemance: 'Your will, not mine, be done' and to do what Jesus encourages us to do: to ask:
           'Ask, and you will be given what you ask for. Seek, and you will find. Knock,
             and the door will be opened.'  ( Mattew 7:7LB)
    With all this in our minds, we think back to the people I mentioned in the Introduction to this book. I asked them the question: 'What is prayer?' Those who said: 'Prayer is meeting God, talking to God, being loved, found and silent before him.' were quite right.  That is what Jesus encourages us to believe.

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